Fortify Media and Entertainment Against Synthetic Content
Identify manufactured identities in images, video and audio content
![Screenshot of the SleetView UI](/_astro/SleetView-UI.hL0THBsj.png)
Evidence of synthetic content that goes beyond accuracy to highlight the source of the fake data
![A completely manufactured deepfake image](/_astro/fake-image.WnF4d-ix.jpg)
![An image showing which parts of the deepfake are indicative of synthetic content](/_astro/fake-image-with-explanation.CiIG2JeX.jpg)
Detect synthetic audio content and understand why it's marked as synthetic
![An image of a spectrogram of generated audio on the bottom and a sample edited spectrogram showing how a real conversation should look like on the top](/_astro/spectrogram.BaLCOfvI.jpg)
Uncover misleading text in articles, emails and websites
![An image of the UI showing linguistic properties indicative of misinformation](/_astro/text_identification.eHqYXI5-.jpg)